joi, 13 februarie 2014

71. Klappa s Mora - Mizerja

2013 Music Top
Position: 71 of 100
Artist: Klappa s Mora
Song: Mizerja
Album: Eurovision Song Contest 2013

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Laugh all you want, but I found the Eurovision song contest, last year, to be extremely inspired and very rich in songs worthy of my attention. While the winner has seemingly shot through and will not even make a mark on this countdown I found myself interestingly drawn to the song representing Croatia despite it not even reaching the final. Though I don't really understand all the lyrics, there is just something so purely melodic in the language and the way it blends with the music. This is by far, my most irrational pick of the Top 100 ever done, but, I guess, that good music, at its core, doesn't need to connect to a person through reason, but rather through emotion, and I suppose that's exactly what this song achieves.

miercuri, 12 februarie 2014

72. Joe Cocker - First We Take Manhattan

2013 Music Top
Position: 72 of 100
Artist: Joe Cocker
Song: First We Take Manhattan
Album: No Ordinary World (1999)

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Grooveshark link:

Joe Cocker has practically built his entire career on covering someone else's songs. However, the way he does that is by making the song his own and radically different than the original version he's covering. Pretty much all of his hits were penned by others and usually with someone else in mind, but this short English singer is packed so full of soul that it just transpires into every song his voice is lent to. Such is the case for this cover of the Cohen "First We Take Manhattan" to the point where (I know others would cry "blasphemy") I prefer his version. 

marți, 11 februarie 2014

73 Heaven & Hell - The Sign Of The Southern Cross

2013 Music Top
Position: 73 of 100
Artist: Heaven & Hell
Song: The Sign Of The Southern Cross
Album: Live At Radio City Music Hall (2007)

Vimeo link:
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Grooveshark link:

This is the very first song that I liked from Black Sabbath. Having discovered it in a compilation, I instantly set it apart from all the others. The vocals on this one, seemed much better and much more melodic that the shrieking sounds I was submitted to on the other songs. Little did I know, at the time, that this was not only the work of another singer (as in not Ozzy), but of one of the best voices in Rock history. Here they are with their rendition of the song from their 2007 Radio City Hall concert under the moniker Heaven And Hell, and I have to restate it over and over again, this version is ages better than the original recording.

74. Jonny Lang - Darker Side

2013 Music Top
Position: 74 of 100
Artist: Jonny Lang
Song: Darker Side
Album: Lie To Me (1997)

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Grooveshark link:

A nice blues tune from a promising debut album that, so far, hasn't delivered us a great bluesman based on that promise. Still, this particular original track has some very cool and, surprisingly true, observations about the human nature.

duminică, 9 februarie 2014

75. The Jeff Healey Band - See The Light

2013 Music Top
Position: 75 of 100
Artist: The Jeff Healey Band
Song: See The Light
Album: See The Light (1988)

Vimeo link:
Vplay link:
Deezer link:
Grooveshark link:

Another blues rocker from the blind Canadian blues guitarist, and what a rocker it is! Hailing from 1988, this song about seeing the light of love in one's eyes, sung by someone who's obviously blind is a definite chill factor. The fact that, by searching on google for "see the light song" you can go through 5 pages without finding a single Jeff Healey reference is just one more symptom of how fucked up this world of ours has become.

joi, 6 februarie 2014

76. The Who - Behind Blue Eyes

2013 Music Top
Position: 76 of 100
Artist: The Who
Song: Behind Blue Eyes
Album: Who's Next? (1971)

Vimeo link:
Vplay link:
Deezer link:
Grooveshark link:

A very touching classic song, that I've obviously identified myself with more than a few times through my life.

miercuri, 5 februarie 2014

77. Rainbow - Ariel

2013 Music Top
Position: 77 of 100
Artist: Rainbow
Song: Ariel
Album: Stranger In Us All (1995)

After Ritchie left Deep Purple for the second time in 1993 he made one last go at Rainbow, this time recruiting Dougie White for the lead vocals and surrounding himself with a batch of brand new musicians. What came out was probably one of the best hard rock albums of all time and unfortunately one that is most often overlooked by most Rainbow and Blackmore fans alike. This song, has long since been a favourite of mine. The ominous riff somewhat reminiscent of Led Zeppelin's Kashmir, the cadence of the song and lyrics giving the feeling of being trapped before some ominous conclusion, the foreshadowing presence of Candice Night on backing vocals, it's all there. A man clearly caught in that moment where he changes between the legacy of his past and the very different path of the future.