2012 Music Top
Position: 95 of 100
Artist: Don Cherry
Song: Band Of Gold
Album: Band Of Gold -single release- 1955
Deezer Link: http://www.deezer.com/track/35663881
Alternate Video Link: http://www.vplay.ro/watch/qwhbxhm9/
I've sung praises to Mad Men in a previous post so I won't repeat that here. This 1955 single from little known singer Don Cherry (not to be confused with the sportscaster) is the opening track of episode one of Matt Weiner's show. The powerful vocal line from the opening chords has something that sticks in your head on repeat for days. The song itself is about marriage, which may make it seem out of touch with today's times, hell it's even ironical when you think about the various plots explored in the world of Mad Men as well, but there is just enough staying power to this song that it simply can't be overlooked.
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